Carlsbad, NM

Carlsbad, NM

Friday, September 28, 2018

September 28, 2018

A lot has happened this past week with my journey with pancreatic cancer. I've developed some very bad rashes that are probably drug related. In fact my surgeon put off considering surgery due to the rashes. That was Monday and that was a bad day.

I've seen an MD Anderson dermatologist who has put me on a good course to relieve the rashes, and they have gotten a little better. Then yesterday I had a CT Scan to see what has happened with the tumor and if surgery can happen.

This morning I had an appointment with my surgeon to see the results. Kathy and my daughter Kara were there too. He gave us the good news that the tumor has actually shrunk a little due to the radiation and that he wants to do the Whipple surgery on Thursday next week.

So in six days I'll be having the Whipple surgery which will remove the tumor, the gall bladder, part of the pancreas, and part of the small intestine. Maybe more. Then hope to be home in November. We are all grateful for this new turn of events.

God bless you all for your thoughts and continued prayers!


Kurt said...

Great news about the surgery date. I know you are ready. Let us know time as well so we are praying during the procedure. God bless you and your family.

Unknown said...

Way to go Cliff 👊🤞Hope this is not a repeat post.

Unknown said...

Praying continually...

Glenn Reynolds said...

Great news coach! Continuing to pray for you!

Unknown said...

Love you Uncle Cliff, sending our good thoughts and love to you!!

Knox Porter said...

Cliff, I am encouraged by your courage and positive attitude in the midst of bad days, challenges, and illness. May God guide the hands of your medical team in your surgery. May you return to good health. I want the best for you.