Carlsbad, NM

Carlsbad, NM

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018

Two weeks from Thursday I have the CT Scan that will tell if the surgery is a go or a no. Then if it is a go the surgery is Monday, October 1 - 20 more days.

No matter what happens, I can't put into words enough what my wife Kathy has meant to me during this entire ordeal. She has been my caregiver and knows that will continue. She has given up so much of her own life to serve me. She changes bandages. She cooks meals that have to be prepared in a certain way. She monitors all my medicines and stocks them for the week. She has driven me to countless doctor appointments in two states. She has helped me through the various setbacks. She has given and given and given. She's had her own meltdowns and I have too. But she always bounces back. Our love has grown.

Thank you God for Kathy.


kathy said...

Yes, your wife Kathy has been incredible! Amen to that!
20 more days until surgery, no ifs about it.

Knox Porter said...

Thanks for your update, the loving tribute to Kathy, and a meaningful reminder of the truth that 'love never fails.' May your love continue to grow and deepen. I continue to pray that your pain would disappear and your healing be complete. -- Knox Porter

Unknown said...

Amen my friend! I love you guys! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...”. Phil 3:14