White House, Tennessee that is. We ended up several miles north of the little town of White House in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
We had a very rough start this morning. Pee Wee got to my house about 8:15, we did a coin flip (I-75 won), jumped in the truck full of excitement and ... dead battery. About an hour later we were finally off.
We wandered around for a while and landed in Linnville, Tennessee - home of a guy named Mars who came up with various candy bars like the Milky Way. We toured a small museum there and were hoping to find some free samples but came up short. So we went to a little store and bought two Milky Ways.
Next we made our way up to The Upper Room. It is a beautiful chapel and museum next to Vanderbilt in Nashville. It is also where the devotional booklets by the same name are made. It is also next to a university with poor sports teams but did produce an outstanding pastor many of us know. It has a fantastic life size, wood carved replica of Davinci's Last Supper.
After we left we took a picture of the city sign of White House, then ended up in Bowling Green where we got some pictures of the Corvette National Museum.
Like last year, the good deeds were difficult. We stopped to help a man who was broken down on the side of the road, but he took one look at us and said we didn't have the tools we needed. He looked serious so we didn't pursue it further. We did hand out one "Good Deed Doer" card - although it was a little comical. When we were driving away from the Upper Room area, Pee Wee yelled for me to pull over - he pointed out a homeless woman who was asking for handouts. I pulled over in traffic and quickly gave him a few dollars to give her and told him to give her some of the fruit we had in the car. He handed her the money and a card, and I was trying to get the fruit to him to give to her. But the traffic behind us was flying - I thought about throwing the fruit toward her, but thought better of it - throwing fruit at a homeless person didn't sound like a good deed. So we drove off, but only before she handed a newspaper to Pee Wee. In otherwords, she wasn't asking for a handout, she was selling newspapers. Oh well, she got a real good tip, so we are counting it as a good deed.
I'll see if I can figure out a way to get some pictures put up on this blog thing ...
So glad the trip is going well so far! Can't wait to keep up with your travels and see where God takes you. Love you guys!
-Monica & Jim
Sounds like God is already along for the ride as the battery died at home and not in the middle of nowhere. Sorry I missed your call. Be safe
Cliff and Steve, you guys be safe and have a blast. Joy and I will keep you in our prayers. "every time I see your face, it reminds me of a place we used to go..."
Cliff, you guys travel safe, have fun, and don't forget to buy something pretty for yourself. Joy and I will keep both of you in our prayers. And, of course, "every time I see your face it reminds me of a place we used to go..."
I double posted...duh!
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9 May God determine your step this day and for each day of your journey. - Knox
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