We finally made it out of Nebraska and quickly made our way to the Wizard of Oz Museum in northern Kansas. I can't believe that I have seen important sites on this trip for my two favorite movies: Field of Dreams and Wizard of Oz. This museum was not the best we have seen on the trip, but people can't help but smile there - people such as us. It had many rooms with each room a tribute to the many characters in the movie. The most popular room there was the one that simply shows the complete movie over and over again. People (like us) go in the room intending to stay for just a minute. We all end up sitting down and watching until you realize that there is more to the museum. That is the impact that the most watched movie of all time has on people. One trivia question we learned the answer to ... see who can answer it without looking it up: "What was the name of the professor's horse?" And what was the real name of the wizard and how many roles did he play in the movie?
From there we headed east into Missouri - the home state for both of us. We took a little time off for nostalgia time. Pee Wee remembered that he was a choir director in 1976 while he was a college student for a tiny church near his college in Warrensburg. The church was the Kingsville Baptist Church - it took us a while but we found it. We actually met a man there who teaches Sunday school who was a member of the church when Pee Wee was the choir director. Pee Wee had a big smile on his face as he walked around the church. The picture is a little dark, but trust me - he had a big smile on his face.
Next we drove 90 minutes south to Springfield, MO, where Kathy and I attended Southwest Missouri State - now Missouri State from 1971 - 1975. It was there where Kathy made the wise decision to say "yes." OK OK - I was the one who made the wise decision. I lived in a house of wrestlers there - right next to a McDonalds - not the best location for weight conscious wrestlers. The McDonalds is still there, but the house has been destroyed - which probably improved business at the McDonalds. I remember that most of my wrestler roommates had pets. I had a pet turtle - we hammered a nail through its shell near the edge and chained it to a spike in the yard so that it could roam all around the yard. It was a great conversation piece until we went out one morning and saw just an empty shell. I also had an ugly little dog named Igno (IgnoRamos).
Good deeds today - the picture shows one. We like to stop and read historical markers. We saw one in southern Nebraska but couldn't read much of it due to plants snaking their way up the monument. It took a while, but we manicured and pruned the area the best that we could so that future readers will have no problem reading the information on the monument.
The second one came tonight at our hotel. We are staying next to a Waffle House, and we used free waffle coupons given to us from Mr. Waffle - William Collins, who is the father of Collins Hill state champion CJ Collins. We ended up with an extra waffle when we were finished, so we brought it back to the hotel. The hotel manager was extremely serious and nonsmiling when we checked in, but we changed that. We offered the hot waffle to her and immediately the smile that had been hidden showed itself. It is amazing how being nice to somebody becomes contagious.
Possibly Branson tomorrow for a while, but who knows. We expect to be back home on Wednesday, which sounds good.
At the conclusion of your post I smell various aromas in my mind. When pruning, one smells the life of the plant - an envigorating, yet refreshing aroma. The scent of a freshly baked waffle is a great delight which adds enjoyment and reflief to an ordinary day. Thank you for walking in love on your journey and for sharing your examples of goodness which undoubtedly have been an aroma to those who have received them. " ... be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." Ephesians 5: 1-2
Hi Guys glad you got out and did some good deeds. It was fun reading your blog. DB
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