Man! We have some long states in this country! We're still in Nebraska, but in the southeast in a town called Beatrice. We started off with a fun good deed today. When we left the hotel in Alliance, we didn't leave the way we and most people normally do. We stripped the sheets off the beds and stacked them with the towels. We put the blankets and pillows in neat stacks. We got rid of the trash and and cleaned the bathroom and the sink. In other words we made it very easy for the hotel maids to clean our room. We left a note and a good deed doers card on one of the beds.
We first visited "Carhenge" near Alliance. It is a replica of Stonehenge except that old cars have taken the place of the rocks. Everything is the right shape and the right size of Stonehenge - but with cars. It doesn't take much for Pee Wee and I to release the 12 year old boys still hiding inside of us, and they showed up at Carhenge as we ran around and on the cars. (We got there before anyone in charge was there so we probably got away with more than we should have).
Next we went south to see Chimney Rock near Wyoming. Most people have seen Chimney Rock in various wild west movies. It is visible for 20 miles and was a sign to the early western settlers that the flat prairie lands were coming to an end and to get ready for mountainous travel. Many settlers actually turned around and headed back to the east. If we see any of them, we'll give them a ride.
Next we headed east and stopped at North Platte to see the largest Rail Yard in the world. Our GPS kept sending us to dead ends so we spent way too much time there.
Pee Wee and I have many conversations as we travel when he isn't napping. We make a lot of bets and we have paid off a few times with push-ups. We need help in deciding who won this one: As we travelled eastward away from Wyoming, we were listening to a Cheyenne radio station. We made a push-up wager as to how far away we were from Cheyenne. I guessed 150 and Pee Wee bet 200. As we travelled at 70 mph, it took me close to a minute to plug in Cheyenne into the GPS and to determine the mileage - it was 176. I say I won because it took about a minute after we shook hands to get the GPS to determine the correct distance. So we travelled over a mile in that one minute. Pee Wee says he won because the final answer was 176, and that was closer to his guess of 200. So who wins??
Our morning good deed was really our only one. We keep stopping and asking cars stopped on the side of the road if they need help but they normally just wave us on. But we are always on the look out. In fact, tonight we offered our room to a soldier on leave from Afghanistan - he is staying here with his family and he said his air conditioning isn't working well. We said he could have our room but he wanted to stay in his because it has a jacuzzi. Oh well, we'll keep trying.
Tomorrow we're heading south into Kansas. We'll try to get Dorothy back home, maybe that will work for a good deed.
Since it took you 1 min. and at 1 mile a min you started the bet at 175 so I think that is a tie. You need to double the next bet to pay off!
I can't believe I am reading this but it has been fun.
Did Pee Wee really like French Lick ? KY.
Well I guess it depends on the rules of the game. If your rules are like the Price Is Right, it should be closest without going Coach would win. But if it's just closest to the number regardless of going over, Pee Wee would win. So my suggestion...make the rules more defined! :-)
Continue having fun and I can't wait to see how many good deeds you end up doing this trip. We're waiting to make a donation after we see how many good deeds are keep on doin'!
-Monica and Jim
Who's done the most pushups?
Jim and my lovely wife, Monica
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