Carlsbad, NM

Carlsbad, NM

Friday, July 19, 2013

Summary - Trip #5

     We're back home in Georgia - got up around 4:00 a.m. in Denver to make our early morning flight. We may have seen more hot spots in our country and visited more places than in any of our previous four years. And we did OK with the good deeds - they are listed below. Remember - anyone wanting to donate to the Lawrenceville Co-op as support for our trip - please contact me and I'll let you know what you need to do. Thanks for following us!

Deed #1: Rounded up a few grocery carts at grocery store in Denver.
#2: Drove two hikers down Mt. Evans in Colorado.
#3: Helped woman with packages at Wells Fargo Bank in Jankson, Wyoming.
#4: Wrote note of appreciation and left $5 for concession worker at Bates Hotel who was verbally abused by owner.
#5: Helped elderly woman at Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody, Wyoming.
#6: Helped woman in wheelchair in Cody Theater.
#7: Pee Wee goes out of his way to thank and compliment the Ranger at Little Big Horn in Montana.
#8: Fed homeles woman in Butte, Montana.
#9: Brought dessert to unhappy hotel front desk clerk in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  
#10: Cleaned up grout abouve urinal in bathroom at Deadhorse Point in Utah.
#11: Helped Belgian struggling with heat exhaustion at the Arches National Park.
#12: Left refreshments for next guest in hotel in Price, Utah.
#13: Pruned trees for Aspen City worker struggling with ladder.

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